Limpiando Baul!!!

Items sin clasificacion (anillos, pendants, entradas, etc)
Usuario Nivel 1
Usuario Nivel 1
Mensajes: 26
Registrado: 11 Dic 2014, 05:34

Limpiando Baul!!!

Mensaje por SpiceBoy »

Anillo Ring oF ice+Rate = Ofertas
Anillo Ring of Fire+RAte = Ofertas
Excellent Book of Neil+0+s+lvl20+mana = Ofertas
Excellent Battle Scepter+s+speed= ofertas
Excellent Crystal Morning Star+s+lvl20 = oferas
Excellent Dragon Pants+hp+mana= ofertas
Excellent Spirit Armor+decrease= Ofertas
Excellent Light Plate Pants+reflec+zen = Ofertas
Eplete Scale Helm+0+5 = 5B
Eplete Scale Armor+10 = 10B Base
Sword Dancer+5+skill = Ofertas
Excellent Crescent Axe+s+rate+life= VENDIDO
Excellent Double Blade+2%dmg+speed = Ofertas
Excellent Bronze Shield+rate+zen= ofertas
Excellent PLate Armor+mana+decrease = ofertas
Legendary Staff+0+rate x2 = Ofertas
Legedary Staff+0+speed = Ofertas
Anillo Warrior Ring of Ice+5 x2 = Ofertas
Pendant Evis Of Wind+10 = Ofertas
Flame of Condor = Ofertas
Ticket 10k puntos = VENDIDO
Excellent Leather Gloves+9+Rate+16+zen = VENDIDO

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